How much does it cost? This is one of our most common questions. We think of tuition as an investment in the faith & academic foundation of our children; an investment that we pray will multiply exponentially over their lifetimes.
Hollandale Christian School does not have the ability to pay for the cost of education through taxation like the public school system. Tuition payments cover less than 60% of our school's operating expenses. We heavily rely upon fundraisers, donations, and volunteers to fill the gap and keep tuition as affordable as possible. When you join the Hollandale Christian School family, you are committing not only to make tuition payments, but to pitch in by serving & using the unique talents & resources God has given you.
Note: Tuition is capped at four students per family. Tuition is less for kindergarten because students start the school year with four days/week and transition to five days/week in mid-January. A 3% discount is applied to tuition paid in full by the first day of school. A 1.5% discount is applied when tuition is split into two payments each received by the first day of the semester. Monthly payments are made over 12 months.
Financial Assistance
If you would like to inquire about financial assistance, please contact the school office. Our school board makes the final determination on the amount of assistance available to be given.